One of the things that this blog has brought to light is how repeating our life is year-to-year.
Last February Lauren was in the Seussical play...this year it was Alice in Wonderland. She was a "pillar" - which is one of the caterpillar pieces in case you were wondering why she looks like a butterfly and not a column.
Just like last year, we went on a weekend ski trip with my moms' group of NINE years! Great friends and great times. After 9 years of not really skiing anything but greens with a child in tow, and much to my Colorado-raised hubby's dismay never being a very good skier before that and an even worse lodge mom, Squaw kicked my booty! I am still sore 3 days later. New to this year was Ryan trying on skis! Isn't he a cutie!
Yes, and just like last year, there is still a paci in his mouth.
OMG!!! Ryan looks so adorable on skis. Those goggles swallow his face. So cute!